
Megan Lee Gong

i wish to feel you in the now: tresses of wisteria cascading into the crevice of my lap; the whisperings of butterfly wings atop sly lips. speak to me, daisy; talk to me, foxglove. across lemongrass fields angels race, wings crafted from morning mildew and baby’s breath; they follow time’s passage: essence sealed in clouds dotting cotton candy skies. inane musings of flora sprout wooden fingers, extending their lilac shade to shoo away lingering moondust; forget-me-nots remember what marigolds forbade. love me do, love me do—i enchant till the last petal separates left and right ventricles apart. i pluck you from tear-soaked soil, then laugh as dry dirt crumbles into roseate musk. meadow saffron on gilded tongue; tansy flowering from torn cuticle crevices. you, then i, then me. only we. connected from thorn to droplet of scarlet fantasies.

Sophie C